It’s worth taking note of the wise Mark Twain: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” This short and evocative quote reveals many of the reasons why travel and adventure are good for so many people. 1) For great stories: Going to the supermarket rarely brings fun tales but adventure holidays always contain numerous stories of newly discovered places foods, customs and locations. Even tough times on an adventure holiday can become a great story. And fabulous times will create stories for a lifetime. 2) For the best photographs: On holiday you will have your camera at the ready at all times and you'll come home with a wealth of stunning photos of landscapes, buildings, people and more. Photos create memories for a lifetime. 3) To learn about staying cool: There will be times on an adventure trip when you have to deal with a tricky or stressful situation. Knowing how you deal with these issues and learning how to cope will bring you strength and improved confidence for life in general. 4) Because you dream: We all have locations we would like to see or explore. Adventure travel brings your dreams to life. 5) As a gap year: Kids who travel between school and university or after university learn a great deal about themselves. They will become more confident, resourceful and intelligent.
6) No age restrictions: From youngsters travelling with their parents to middle-aged couples to solo senior citizens, adventure travel has no age limitations. There are holidays to suit all and everyone has a different view on what is an adventure trip. 7) To learn a language: It’s very satisfying to be able to speak a few words, or more, of another language, such as Greek or Spanish or to be able to book a hotel room or find your way to a station without resorting to hand signals and basic English. 8) Brings perspective: Meeting people from other cultures, whether poorer or richer or just different, teaches you a different way you look at the world. It’s very healthy to see life as others live it.
9) For education: Seeing new areas of the world, different countries, new views and meeting other people broadens everyone’s education, whether you’re a school leaver or a 90-year-old. 10) To try new flavours and food: If you are stuck in a culinary rut, heading to new countries can excite your taste buds and have you cooking new and more exotic recipes on your return home. 11) To prove to yourself you can: If you are the type of person who dreams of doing exciting things but never quite does, an adventure holiday could be just the thing for you. Macs Adventure trips are tailored to suit and come with lots of information. You are never quite on your own but you still have the freedom to do new things, such as cycle somewhere new, walk a new route or visit new and exciting places. 12) Because you can: Adventure travel is open to all and so accessible in the 21st century. We can’t understand why you wouldn’t!